poem book

Poem Book Interludio


launching event

The first idea of launching my poem book was just showing it up somewhere in the internet… but in the process I’ve met incredible people who were here supportive through that moment. I met an theater director and also a coreographer. I showed the video I made for my poem book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCSA8072-48) and they fell for it. They pushed me to do something more than just being exposing my poem book. So that’s what we did. We organized a small event where everything was an experience. The visitants from the door they were distracted playing with juggle with a friend. After that my friends (Sara Esparza and Giancarlo Mori) covered visitant’s eyes with cloth to sense more that the all house was filled with palo Santo and eucalyptus.- They had to walk in the house blind because I was waiting in there with the poem in my hands and waiting also the to stay quiet to start whispering in they ears some extracts of my poem book. When we all finished, the music turn on and the performance directed by Giancarlo Mori and Olivia Vallejos came to life with me and my friend Eddú.

You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlV1n5vDMCc&feature=emb_title

Also I made special souvenirs :
